1. Video lectures on the Federation's Youtube channel on theoretical material
2. Contests (practical tasks) with an automatic testing system esep.cpfed.kz
3. Classes are provided free of charge.

Learning programming develops skills in working with modern technologies. These skills are becoming increasingly important in nowadays, where information technology plays a key role in many areas of life.
This project is aimed at stimulating and supporting interest, developing competitive programming skills among young people in rural areas, by creating conditions for studying IT and participating in competitions.
The CPFED IT Bilimpaz project is aimed at stimulating development of programming skills based on Python among school students. Participants have the opportunity to access training materials and problem solving on an online platform esep.cpfed.kz.
The following activities are conducted:
Within the framework of the development of this project
Access to educational materials in the Kazakh language
Regular mini-competitions with 10 tasks are held every two weeks for in-depth study of topics and discussion of solutions. The next stage is analysis of the results and exchange of experience.
Exchange of experience and mentoring
Participants have access to a telegram chat to discuss issues, share experiences and receive support from experienced participants and mentors.
Career development in IT
The project helps participants identify their potential field in IT and provides resources for professional growth, including guest lectures from experienced programmers.
Who can participate?
Students of rural schools from grade 7 and older.
How to become a participant of the project?
Information about registration of participants in the project is published on the social networks of the Federation. Stay tuned and don't miss the next learning stream!
This project is aimed at stimulating and supporting interest, developing competitive programming skills among young people in rural areas, by creating conditions for studying IT and participating in competitions.
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