
Competitive Programming

of Kazakhstan

Algorithmic problem solving contest for everyone
aged 14 and over.

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Competitive Programming

Training Camps for Students

Intensive training to prepare for national and international contests. Training camps are organized during the summer period.

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Championship of Kazakhstan

ICPC Quarterfinal

ICPC Quarterfinal in a face-to-face format takes place in at least three regions.

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Creating Ecosystems at Universities

The Federation contributes to the development of a competitive programming ecosystem in 4-6 regional universities by providing a manager and a coach to these universities.

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Development of Materials in Kazakh

We set the task of developing materials and giving an opportunity to study competitive programming in the state language.

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Representative Offices in Regions

The Federation is currently registering its representative offices in the regions of Kazakhstan to develop the contest movement and popularize competitive programming in the regions.

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The Competitive Programming Federation

About Federation

Our main goal is to popularize and develop competitive programming (the “CP”) among the population, as well as to improve the results of our coders in various contests.

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Find out the projects

The Competitive Programming Federation

Our main goal is to popularize and develop competitive programming (the “CP”) among the population, as well as to improve the results of our coders in various contests.

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General Partner

Freedom Broker is one of the largest investment companies in the CIS providing access to global financial markets. Due to the expertise, technology and unique approaches to investing, the company has become a leader in the investment industry.

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The Competitive Programming Federation

The development of human capital is of great importance to the Federation. We achieve this goal through training in competitive programming, which is an ability to solve non-standard algorithmic problems using programming languages.



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